Intuitive, online decision support for the RightMed® Test

Using pharmacogenomic test results in patient care can be challenging. Vantage makes it easier.

More than a static report, Vantage is an interactive decision support application that offers easy access to a patient’s RightMed Test results, including genetic information and insights on 100+ medications, based on the patient’s genetic profile.

The Vantage difference

Available through OneOme’s provider portal, Vantage provides patient-specific RightMed results in a way that’s intuitive and easy to understand. Providers get the information they need at their fingertips to care for the patient in front of them - without having to scroll through pages of data they don’t use.

Vantage features

With Vantage, providers can:

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    Review the patient’s current medications for predicted gene-drug interactions

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    Research potential medication alternatives, based on the patient’s results

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    Search and filter our database of hundreds of medications for gene-drug information

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    Access data on drug-drug interactions for medications of interest

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    View patient gene results, including genotypes and predicted phenotypes

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    Reference relevant professional pharmacogenetic guidelines

Get started

To learn more or get started, contact your OneOme representative directly or reach out to OneOme support at +1-844-663-6635 or