Your genes. Your medications.
Get started on your path to more personalized medications
The RightMed® Test is a doctor-ordered pharmacogenomic (PGx) test that analyzes your DNA and provides your doctors with genetic information to help them determine how you may respond to certain medications. The results may help your doctors:
- Reduce medication trial and error
- Minimize risk of side effects
- Save you time and money
- Make more informed prescribing decisions
Because your DNA doesn’t change over time, your doctors can use your test results to make more personalized medication decisions for you over the course of your lifetime.
The Right Fit - An Animated Introduction to Pharmacogenomics
How to get RightMed
Option 1: Request a test online
You can request a test through an independent provider here.
Option 2: Get it from your doctor
Your doctor can prescribe the RightMed Test. When talking with your doctor about the RightMed Test, you can use the “Is PGx testing right for me?” questionnaire in our patient brochure to facilitate your conversation.
Download "Is PGx testing right for me?"
Who can benefit from the RightMed Test?
While the RightMed Test can provide doctors with personalized insights for anyone, it can be particularly meaningful for patients with:
Medications that don’t seem to be working well
Multiple medications
New prescription needs
Medications that seem to be causing side effects

“I brought my RightMed Test results back to the doctors and asked that they consider them when choosing a new medication for me. They reviewed them and switched me to a different medication. Within days, I felt so much better.”
- Rachael

How it works + payment options
Getting the RightMed Test starts with a doctor ordering the test for you and you collecting your DNA sample, usually with a simple cheek swab either at home or in your doctor’s office. OneOme will then process your sample and generate your results for your doctor.
What is the difference between this test and other genetic tests (e.g., 23andMe)?
The OneOme RightMed Test is a doctor-prescribed pharmacogenomic test intended to help your healthcare provider make decisions to optimize medication selection for you. The RightMed Test is a laboratory-developed test (LDT) built and validated to the highest scientific and clinical standards. It does not provide results for ancestry, cosmetic features, or similar information that may be provided by certain direct-to-consumer tests. Although the RightMed Test is not intended to diagnose any hereditary disease or disease risk, OneOme will report incidental secondary findings for certain genetic results that your doctor may wish to discuss with you.
Who is the RightMed test indicated for?
The OneOme RightMed test is indicated for use in adults.
How do I take the test and how long will it take to get my results?
Once the RightMed Test has been prescribed, OneOme will ship out a DNA sample collection kit via two-day shipping.
The kit includes simple, step-by-step instructions on how to complete the simple cheek swab. You can also watch a demonstration video showing how to provide your sample.
If collecting your sample at home, it is important to activate your kit online before mailing your sample back to OneOme. Activation is required before we can process your sample at the OneOme lab. You will need to provide the barcode number located on the tube to activate your kit.
After you activate and send back your kit, your results typically will be released 7-10 business days after OneOme receives your sample.
How much does the RightMed Test cost?
OneOme offers several different options to make the RightMed Test accessible to most people.
When your doctor orders the test and:
- You opt to pay for your test directly and not submit to your insurance provider, the cost is $349.
- You opt to submit to your health care insurance carrier (U.S. only), the process and cost varies based on your plan. For more information on this payment option, visit
When you request the test online (U.S. only):
The cost is $449. The services include a review by a prescriber, the ordering of the test if medically appropriate, and a consultation with a board-certified genetic counselor to review your results with you. This option is available for individuals to whom insurance billing is not available.
OneOme accepts payment from all major credit cards and health savings accounts (HSAs).
Will the MTHFR gene be included with my results when I request the test online?
No, MTHFR is not available when you request the test through OneOme's independent physician network.
The MTHFR gene will only be included with your results if your doctor orders the test for you and specifically opts to receive the MTHFR report with your results. In this case, MTHFR results will be provided at no additional cost and will be presented on a separate report. Doctors will receive analytical results only.
Are OneOme’s tests covered by insurance?
When ordered by your doctor, some insurance plans within the U.S. may contribute to the cost of the test.
OneOme accepts all Medicare and Medicaid plans, Managed Medicaid Plans, and TRICARE. If you have a traditional Medicare/Medicaid plan, Managed Medicaid Plan, or TRICARE, your cost may be as low as $0. However, some Plans have a copayment or deductible requirement which will result in out of pocket expenses for patients.
Note: Insurance billing is not available for tests requested online.
Learn more on our billing page.
What are OneOme’s cancellation and refund policies?
OneOme reserves the right to cancel an order when any of the following occurs:
- OneOme does not receive a sample within 45 days of the kit's date of delivery
- OneOme does not receive payment within 45 days of the order date (for patient self-referred orders)
- OneOme does not receive required information (e.g., sample collection date, billing information, etc.) within 45 days of the order date
If OneOme has not yet received your sample and you decide that you no longer want the test, you can cancel the order and receive a refund on the card that was used to pay for the test. We are unable to process a refund once our lab has received your sample and the processing has begun.
How does OneOme protect my information?
At OneOme, we recognize that you have entrusted us to keep your data safe and secure. To accomplish this we have strict policies, processes, and technologies designed to keep your personal information and personal health information secure. We comply with U.S. Federal, state, and international privacy regulations and maintain a high level of data security. Below is an outline of the steps we take to secure your personal information:
Policies and procedures: OneOme has policies and procedures in place to ensure data security, and we perform regular audits to ensure those policies and procedures are followed.
Systems: Our systems, servers, and workstations have strict requirements that meet or exceed the data security standards outlined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act (HIPAA).
Sample retention: OneOme may retain your DNA sample for up to 60 days after the date your report was released to your doctor for purposes of quality assurance. After this date, all retained samples are destroyed. We may also conduct follow-up testing by order from your doctor. We do not sell or otherwise use your genetic sample or data without your explicit consent.
We meet rigorous security standards in order to ensure your genomic information is handled with great care. To learn more, please consult our privacy policy.
What web browsers do you support for the OneOme portal?
OneOme’s online tools are best accessed using the most up to date web browser for your device with Chrome as the preferred browser for the optimal experience.
OneOme supports the following versions for each browser:
- Chrome 50 or greater
- Firefox 45 or greater
- Safari 9.1 or greater
- Edge 38 or greater
- Internet Explorer 10 or 11