Evidence-based pharmacogenomics

Pharmacogenomic (PGx) testing analyzes a patient’s DNA and provides insights to help providers make informed prescribing decisions for that patient. The RightMed Test is a PGx test indicated for adults that offers comprehensive coverage backed by rigorous curation of high-level, scientific evidence to give providers and their patients confidence in test results.


The RightMed Test covers 27 genes that may impact how a patient responds to certain medications used to treat varied medical conditions.


The RightMed Test’s gene coverage has been selectively curated by a group of pharmacists and scientists using OneOme’s rigorous standards for pharmacogenomic evidence. Each sample is analyzed at OneOme’s CLIA-certified, CAP-accredited in-house laboratory.

RightMed Reports

RightMed Test results are presented in the form of PDF reports.

Screenshot of Sample RightMed Comprehensive Report

RightMed Comprehensive Report

Available to the ordering provider, this report includes the patient’s genetic results plus 100+ medications classified according to the patient’s genotypes.

Screenshot of Sample RightMed Gene Report

RightMed Gene Report

Available to the ordering provider and the patient, this report includes the patient’s genetic results.

Clinical uses

The RightMed Test offers valuable insights for providers who care for patients with a variety of health conditions and needs.

These include (but aren't limited to):

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    Psychiatric conditions

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    Oncology supportive care

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    Acute or chronic pain

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    Complex polypharmacy

Genes covered

The test analyzes more than 100 alleles in 27 genes

Gene Alleles
CYP1A2 *1C, *1D, *1E, *1F, *1J, *1K, *1L, *1V, *1W
CYP2B6 *4, *5, *6, *7, *9, *18, *22, *35, *36
CYP2C Cluster rs12777823
CYP2C9 *2, *3, *4, *5, *6, *8, *11
CYP2C19 *2, *3, *4, *4B, *10, *17
CYP2D6 *2, *3, *4, *5, *6, *7, *8, *9, *10, *11, *12, *13, *14, *15, *17, *18, *19, *29, *31, *34, *35, *36, *39, *41, *42, *59, *63, *64, *65, *68, *69, *70, *82, *83, *91, *109, *114, *119, copy number variations
CYP3A4 *1B, *22
CYP3A5 *3, *6, *7
CYP4F2 *3
COMT Val158Met (rs4680)
DPYD *2A, c.2846A>T, *13, HapB3, c.557A>G
DRD2 -241A>G (rs1799978)
F2 20210G>A (rs1799963)
F5 Arg534Gln (Leiden, 1691G>A)
GRIK4 Intronic T>C Variant (rs1954787)
HLA-A HLA-A*31:01
HLA-B HLA-B*15:02, HLA-B*57:01, HLA-B*58:01
HTR2A Intron 2, T>C Variant (rs7997012)
HTR2C -759C>T (rs3813929)
IL28B (IFNL4) Intronic C>T Variant (rs12979860)
MTHFR* c.665C>T (rs1801133); c.1298A>C (rs1801131)
NUDT15 Arg139Cys (rs116855232)
OPRM1 Asn40Asp (rs1799971)
SLC6A4 -1936A>G (rs25531); -1917_-1875del43 (rs774676466)
SLCO1B1 *5
TPMT *2, *3A, *3B, *3C, *4
UGT1A1 *6, *28 (TA7)
VKORC1 -1639G>A (rs9923231)

NOTE: The test does not detect all known and unknown variations in the gene(s) tested. For drug metabolizing enzyme, the absence of a detectable variant (designated as *1) does not rule out the presence of other variants not tested.

*MTHFR is available for providers to order as an optional, complimentary add-on to the RightMed Test. MTHFR is not available to patients who purchase the test online (ordered through the independent physician network).

RightMed® Oncology

Focused germline PGx for cancer patients

RightMed Oncology covers medications with PGx implications including chemotherapy agents and supportive care therapies, such as gastrointestinal, pain management and mental health. Part of an oncology portfoliodesigned to deliver essential information for oncologists.

RightMed Oncology may help reduce the risk of chemotherapy-induced toxicity and improve medication safety and efficacy during supportive care.

This, first-of-its kind, germline oncology panel was created with insights from practicing oncology clinicians, recent scientific and clinical literature, and professional PGx guidelines such as Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC®) and FDA label and PGx table information.

RightMed Oncology is designed to be used proactively, paired with somatic testing during chemotherapy treatment planning and/or for supportive care management.

Learn more about RightMed


For health systems

Learn more about the value of adding PGx to precision medicine programs, RightMed Solution configurations for institutions, and how to get started. Plus, get access to informative resources to help develop your PGx program.


For payers, PBMS, & employers

Learn more about the value of OneOme’s RightMed for Populations solution, how it works, and how to get started. Plus, access informative resources to help you leverage PGx in your populations.


For providers & pharmacists

Learn more about the benefits of the test, how it works (from ordering to interpretation), and additional tools and services available.


For patients

Learn how the test works, the potential benefits of the test, and how to find a provider who can order the test for you.

Have questions about the RightMed Test?

Dedicated experts are available to answer your questions. Speak with a client service representative today.